var dgc:DataGridColumn=new DataGridColumn();
dgc.itemRenderer = new ClassFactory(CheckBox);

~ Nate

kotha poornima wrote:
> Hi All,
> Any idea how the following code using Action script..
> Code:
> <mx:DataGridColumn headerText="Online" dataField="online">
>    <mx:itemRenderer>
>       <mx:Component>
>          <mx:CheckBox id="chkBox"/>
>       </mx:Component>                                         
>    </mx:itemRenderer>
> </mx:DataGridColumn>
> As it is in actionscript....
> I dont want to create seperate component... everything i want to write in 
> single file.
> something like...
> ActionScript Code:
> var dgc:DataGridColumn=new DataGridColumn();
> var chkBox:CheckBox=new CheckBox();
> Here how to add chkBox to dgc using Itemrenderer??? any idea??
> Is its possible???
> Can anyone help me...
> Any suggestions would be appreciated!!!
> Thanks in Advance,
> Poornima

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