Yes, in the project properties, in the 'Flex Build Path', in the
'Library Path', select 'Framework linkage:' = Runtime shared library (RSL)
then open the 'Flex 3 twistie' and go down to 'framework.swc',
highlight 'RSL URL' and click edit, 
enter in the location of the swc file:
do the same for swf 

--- In, "uclamerrick" <merr...@...> wrote:
> I have an swf file that is possible to embed. When looking to reduce
> the file size I found out about runtime shared libraries so I changed
> the framework linkage to RSL in flex builder 3 and then in the
> deployment path setting for the swz and swf framework files I added
> the url for the policy file.
> I am getting RSL Error 1 of 1, Error #2048 when I embed my swf on
> The swf file, crossdomain.xml, and swf and
> swz files are located at If I place the framework
> files on then everything works.
> I would like my application to be able to be embedded from any domain
> without those 3rd party domains having the framework files swf/swz
> hosted on their domains.
> Does anyone know how to resolve this, if its possible?
> contents of my crossdomain.xml
> <?xml version="1.0"?>
> <cross-domain-policy>
>     <allow-access-from domain="*" secure="false"/>
> </cross-domain-policy>

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