ok i have a tilelist loaded with data from a database though a cfc ro. plus i 
have a gallery that i would like to populate with images of a particular item 
from the tilelist when someone clicks on an item in the tilelist. so i was 
reading through arrayutil class and parameter binding and i tried it out.

<mx:RemoteObject id="img" destination="ColdFusion" showBusyCursor="true" 
fault="Alert.show(event.fault.faultString, 'Error');">
                <mx:method name="getImages">

<mx:ArrayCollection id="home_img" 

then in my custom component the dataprovider of the gallery is "home_img"

<local:DisplayShelf id="shelf"  horizontalCenter="0" verticalCenter="0" 
borderThickness="5" borderColor="#FFFFFF" 
dataProvider="{parentDocument.home_img}" enableHistory="false" width="100%"/>

this still does not work. am in the right direction here, what could i be 

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