If your component is static and will never change , children will never get 
removed and no new children will be added you could try an absolute 
positioning. I do not recommend spacer tho.

On the other hand you could try to make your own component , you say that you 
are new to flex so I guess that may be "scary" and you would not know where to 
start . 

Help yourself to this,  I'm not saying it's finished but I do think it's the 
best approach :

        import mx.containers.TabNavigator;
        import mx.controls.TabBar;
        import mx.controls.TextInput;
        import mx.core.FlexVersion;
        import mx.styles.StyleProxy;
        public class ExtendedTabNavigator extends TabNavigator
                public function ExtendedTabNavigator()
                //we don t realy need this, tabBarHeight could be tabBar.height 
but eh 
            private function get tabBarHeight():Number
                var tabHeight:Number = getStyle("tabHeight");
                if (isNaN(tabHeight))
                    tabHeight = tabBar.getExplicitOrMeasuredHeight();
                return tabHeight - borderMetrics.top;

                protected var textS:TextInput;
                override protected function createChildren():void
                        //doesn't matter when we call super, we are not messing 
with the actual tabbar
                        //creating out textInput
                                textS = new TextInput
                                //you can make a style for this so that it's 
not hard.coaded, easiest way. no need for "internals"
                    textS.width = 100;
                    //adding our textInput

        override protected function 
                super.updateDisplayList(unscaledWidth, unscaledHeight);
                        //move the textInput so that it appears right of the 
                        var leftOffset:Number = getStyle("tabOffset");
                        //watch out for borderThickness
                        //in case your tabnav has a border soldi with a set 
                        //we will also remove it from the "move" of tabbar and 
texti -> coming next
                        var borderThick:Number = getStyle("borderThickness");
                switch (getStyle("horizontalAlign"))
                case "left":
                        //addede calcs for -borderthick
                        tabBar.move(0 + borderThick + leftOffset, tabBar.y);
                    textS.move(0 + borderThick + leftOffset + tabBar.width, 
                case "right":
                //because txeti is right of tabbar we have to also move the 
tabbar , 
                //we could move texti left of the tabbar
                //and leave the tabbar alone, your choice
                //also addede calculation for -borderthick
                        tabBar.move(unscaledWidth - tabBar.width - textS.width 
-borderThick + leftOffset, tabBar.y);
                    textS.move(unscaledWidth - textS.width -borderThick + 
leftOffset, tabBar.y)
                case "center":
                        //no need for borderthick
                        tabBar.move((unscaledWidth - tabBar.width - 
textS.width) / 2 + leftOffset, tabBar.y);
                    textS.move((unscaledWidth + tabBar.width - textS.width ) / 
2 + leftOffset, tabBar.y)
                //set textI height
                textS.height = tabBar.height//tabBarHeight;

Feel free to ask if there is something unclear

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