Hello list, long time Flasher, first timer Flexer...
I'm running my Flex server on a different computer on the network. When I hit Run, I see my app correctly, the URL bar shows:
When I run it and I switch on the Network Monitor, it replaces the above with:
I'm not sure why the proxy (?), but that displays the SWF fine, but now of course I get a security sandbox error as I'm remoting via AMFPHP on that "othercomputer". Any ideas why it does this, whether it is intended behaviour?
p.s. Just a small one, you cannot see trace()'s unless you run "Debug" right? I see nothing in the output window when I just press "Run", running Flash Player 8. I have ErrorReportingEnable=1 and TraceOutputFileEnable=1 in mm.cfg.

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