Thanks for your reply.


Our problem, however, is that the screen is ready and rendered before the remote object completes its call.


We already show the busy cursor for the remote object, but this is not preventing the view from rendering completely before the remote call returns from the server.


We use the “onCreationComplete()”  function of our mxml file to call the EventBroadcaster. The mxml file is already rendered when the service called by the EventBroadcaster returns the data. The problem we have is that we need to disable certain controls of the view based on this returned data (An array rendered in a data Grid).


Is there any way to know when a service (In our case a remote object) has finished returning the data (A function, actionscript, etc.).


The system is based in Cairngorm, and the onResult method of the is something like this:


public function onResult( event : Object ) : Void


            mx.core.Application.application.detallesBLData = event.result;



Our validation requires the data in mx.core.Application.application.detallesBLData


Hope this is more explanatory of our problem.


Best regards.




De: [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] En nombre de Rob Rusher
Enviado el: Martes, 09 de Agosto de 2005 11:12 pm
Asunto: RE: [flexcoders] About synchronizing grid rendering with service completion
Importancia: Alta


You could use a ViewHelper for that view. You could also set the showBusyCursor on the RemoteObject to prevent the user for clicking anything until the screen is ready.



Rob Rusher


RIA Consultant

Macromedia Certified Flex Instructor

e:[EMAIL PROTECTED] c:303.885.7044 im:robrusher

From: [] On Behalf Of Jesus Salvador Ramos Cardona
Sent: Tuesday, August 09, 2005 9:01 PM
Subject: RE: [flexcoders] About synchronizing grid rendering with service completion


By the way, I forgot to mention that we are using the cairngorm Project microarchitecture, and so our question would be towards finding the best way (or best practice) to achieve this functionality.


Your approach seems ok to us, Tracy, but how would we implement this the cairngorm way?






De: [] En nombre de Tracy Spratt
Enviado el: Martes, 09 de Agosto de 2005 07:51 pm
Asunto: RE: [flexcoders] About synchronizing grid rendering with service completion
Importancia: Alta


Could you disable them in the mxml tag to start with, then, in a result handler on the RemoteObject, set the final state?



From: [] On Behalf Of Jesus Salvador Ramos Cardona
Sent: Tuesday, August 09, 2005 8:35 PM
Subject: [flexcoders] About synchronizing grid rendering with service completion


Hi all,


We have a view that contains a grid and some action buttons. These action buttons must be disabled/enabled depending on the data provided to the grid. The data is provided by a remoteObject, and the decision of enabling/disabling these buttons is taken by the view. Everything is working fine, except for this little decision part, since it starts rendering even though the data returned from the remote object is not yet complete. Is there any way to avoid the rendering of this little component until the remote object call finishes?


Any help will be appreciated.



Jesús Ramos Cardona
Desarrollo de Sistemas de Casa de Bolsa


+52 (55) 51 74 22 22 ext. 1250

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