I'm not exactly sure what you are trying to do but I would create two different 
events for those functions if events are truly needed.
Also, I would recommend extending the Validator class for your spellcheck (I 
think I've seen a spellcheck class out there somewhere).
Depending on what you are trying to do, it may be overkill to use events to 
process the information.  In my code, I write components/classes around a site 
function or table in a DB.  If it's a table in the DB I have a remote object in 
that class that deals with the different functions like add, modify, and 
delete.  I then assign a button to calling an actionscript function to process 
the DB call using the remoteobject.  The only time I use events is when I need 
to talk to another class (and it has to be a parent or further up the chain.  
Event bubbling does not go to parallel classes.
    private function getData( intUserID: number):void
          sameasremotequery( intUSerID );
        ... process data
    private function saveData( intUserID: number):void
        ... call remote object here
<Remoteobject ,,,>
  <method id="sameasremotequery" ....>
<mx:Button id="button" name="getdata" click="getData()"/>
There are exceptions to my rule, but for the most part I try to use events 
where they are needed.


From: flexcoders@yahoogroups.com on behalf of secrit.service
Sent: Tue 3/24/2009 8:23 AM
To: flexcoders@yahoogroups.com
Subject: [flexcoders] Custom Classes and Custom Events

Hi all,

The last couple of weeks I wrote my first application in Flex. Today I want to 
refactor it, meaning : using custom classes and custom events.

I have following :

I created an application with a couple of buttons and with a custom component 
(myCustomComp)  in it. This custom component is based on a Vbox an contains :
     - an HBox (mySearchbar) with a textfield and button
     - a datagrid which contains data from a database
     - an HBox (myToolbar) with a button and a label 

The buttons are used for adding, modifying and deleteing records of the 
database. SO I was thinking of creating a custom event (myCustomEvent).

The code I have so far is following :

package events {
 import flash.events.Event;
 public class myCustomEvent extends Event {
            public function SpellEvent(type:String) {
           override public function clone():Event{
                        var evt:myCustomEvent = new myCustomEvent(type);
                        return evt;
&nb sp;           }

I was thinking of adding event listners to my buttons. For example my button to 
add a new record will have a addRecordEventListener. In this listener I create 
a new instance of myCustEvent and pass my new record as a parameter.
The same I will do with my button to delete a record.

My question is where and how I should make the difference between the 2 
I suppose I have to create a new instance of my event and besides my new record 
I also need to pass the type of operation : something like new 
myCustomEvent(newRecord, "addRecord") or new myCustomEvent(newRecord, 
"deleteRecord"). But in this case, how do I process the different operations?

I'm lost and hoping for a clear answer.


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