I was given the answer - I'll share it in case it helps anyone else. It was
to use callLater


On Wed, Apr 15, 2009 at 12:20 PM, oopdog <oop...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Hello there,
> I have a DataGrid and one of the columns contains a custom CheckBox (item
> renderer/editor).
> When the user selects the CheckBox I want to over-ride a value in another
> column. The problem is that the value of the other column is not updating
> until AFTER the user has selected a different row or has taken focus away
> from the DataGrid by clicking on something else, but I would really like the
> column to update as soon as the CheckBox has been checked.
> Currently this is what I have:
> 1) User clicks checkbox ( I capture the 'onItemBegin' event and check that
> it's the CheckBox which is being edited... if (event.itemRenderer is
> CheckBox) ...
> 2) I examine the underlying data (in this case it's an XMLListCollection)
> and if conditions are correct I change the value of my data property, then
> call myDataGrid.invalidateList();
> Nothing seems to update the DataGrid visually until the user has clicked
> something else!
> I have tried calling all the invalidation methods I can think of, as well
> as validateNow() So frustrated! Please help.

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