Did you have any luck with this?

I have a binding function as follows

        <mx:ColumnChart id="columnChart" type="stacked"

and the stacked columns are displayed, but not aligned with each other.
Quite amusing, except when you have a deadline.
This must be the known defect you referred to.
Anyone know a workaround, or defect number?

On Mon, Apr 6, 2009 at 9:20 AM, jeffreyr6915 <jrwalk...@gmail.com> wrote:

>   I'd like to create a dynamic Flex Stacked Column Chart at runtime, based
> on values out of a database. The following are the steps that I currently
> follow (without success):
> 1. Query the database and populate chartIemArrayColl with ChartItem objects
> 2. Iterate through chartIemArrayColl and only create a a new columnseries
> object if there does not already exist on for that 'selection'. Add this
> columnseries to the columnset
> 3. Apply this to the chart
> Note: I used secondSeries instead of series because of a known defect in
> Flex that makes the charts off center if series is used.
> Problems:
> ------------
> 1. The chartIemArrayColl contains items that contain the same 'name' but
> different 'value' and different 'selection'. However, in this case that
> particular 'name' is printed on the x-axis multiple times (not correct)
> 2. The 'selection' should be the legend, but when it is graphed it does not
> seem as though it is connected to the items actually charted
> What I'd like to achieve:
> ----------------------------
> 1. Column chart with a legend that contains only values of the 'selection'
> 2. Stacked Column chart that contains values where I can chart the
> following example:
> item1 (name="myName", selection="sel1", value=4)
> item2 (name="myName", selection="sel2", value=6)
> item3 (name="name3", selection="sel1", value=8)
> I expect a chart that has myName and name3 across the x-axis (myName should
> only appear once). A column should appear at myName that has one
> color/selection (value 4) stacked on top of another (value 6). A column
> should be at name3 with the same color/selection as item1 (value 8).
> Can you please help me with this? Thanks so much in advance
> ChartItem.as
> -------------------
> package com.dashboard.teamtrack.util
> {
> public class ChartItem
> {
> public var name:String;
> public var selection:String;
> public var value:int;
> public function ChartItem()
> {
> }
> }
> }
> Main.mxml
> -----------------------
> for each(var currChartItem:ChartItem in chartIemArrayColl )
> {
> if(!selectionArr.contains(currChartItem.selection))
> {
> selectionArr.addItem(currChartItem.selection);
> var columnSeries:ColumnSeries = new ColumnSeries();
> columnSeries.setStyle("itemRenderer", new
> ClassFactory(com.dashboard.itemrenderers.TriDiRenderer));
> columnSeries.displayName = currChartItem.selection;
> columnSeries.yField = 'value';
> columnSeries.xField = 'name';
> columnSeries.dataProvider = chartIemArrayColl ;
> columnSet.series.push(columnSeries);
> }
> }
> columnSet.type = "stacked";
> chart.secondSeries.push(columnSet);
> chart.invalidateSeriesStyles();
> chart.secondSeries = chart.secondSeries;
> //<More code here>
> <mx:ColumnChart id="chart" height="100%" width="100%" fontSize="9"
> fontWeight="bold" color="#010000" showDataTips="true" clipContent="false"
> x="0" y="27">
> <mx:verticalAxis>
> <mx:LinearAxis title="Open Count Total" />
> </mx:verticalAxis>
> <mx:horizontalAxisRenderers>
> <itemrenderers:TriDiAxisRenderer axis="{myHorizontalAxis}"
> placement="bottom"/>
> </mx:horizontalAxisRenderers>
> <mx:horizontalAxis>
> <mx:CategoryAxis id="myHorizontalAxis" dataProvider="{chartIemArrayColl}"
> categoryField="name"/>
> </mx:horizontalAxis>
> </mx:ColumnChart>
> <mx:Legend id="openDefectChartLegend" dataProvider="{chart}" fontSize="9"
> fontWeight="bold" color="#010000" width="100%" height="64"/>

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