I think you have to set the values property to an array to have the setter
triggering some stuff.


2009/4/16 byte.sensei <byte.sen...@yahoo.com>

> I have a UI with filters including an HSlider with 2 thumbs representing a
> start year and end year (range 1854-2008). The HSlider code looks like this:
> <mx:HSlider id="slider_mfg_year" minimum="1854" maximum="2008"
> thumbCount="2" values="[1854,2008]" labels="[1854, 2008]" width="250"
> tickInterval="10" snapInterval="1" dataTipFormatFunction="{nf.format}"
> liveDragging="false" change="filter()" horizontalCenter="0" bottom="5"/>
> In addition, the UI has a "reset" button that is supposed to reset the
> filters to their default values. Everything is working *except* the HSlider
> -- I can't seem to get it to reset the thumbs to their default positions.
> I'm trying to do this by setting the thumb values:
> private function filter_reset():void {
> slider_mfg_year.values[0] = 1854;
> slider_mfg_year.values[1] = 2008;
> ...
> However, this doesn't seem to be resetting the thumb positions, just the
> HSlider control values, and the values/positions of the thumbs are now out
> of sync.
> How can I reset the HSlider thumbs back to their default positions/values?

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