I already set that property equal to the framerate of my swc, so that's not
the problem.

I know a little bit more about my problem.
If I load it for the first time, the animation runs smooth, thee's no
But the second time, it jumps immediately to 100%, the preloader doesn't
close yet,
but the animation bugs. It's like when the preloader is at 100% stuff, it
prepares to load the appliction and then the animation bugs.

just my thaught


2009/4/20 carloscarvalhar <carloscarval...@ig.com.br>

> maybe you're having different fps in flex (24 i think) and in your animated
> swc....
> you can set fps trough AS:
> yourLoadedSWF.stage.frameRate = 12;
> bye
> Carlos

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