(I originally posted this on flexcomponents by mistake, sorry for

I've been playing around with Flex 4 (build 6192) and it seems that the
namespaces have changed a lot since previous builds. I only say this because
none of the examples online seem to work. After lots of mucking around, I
was able to get the following test application with these namespaces to run:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>

        <fx:Button label="Gumbo Button"/>
        <mx:Button label="Halo Button" />

       <fx:ButtonBar id="orangeToggleBar" requiresSelection="true">
                <fx:ArrayCollection source="[Flash, Director, Catalyst,
ColdFusion]" />

The FX namespace pointing to spark doesn't seem to be right, shouldn't it be
"SP" or "S" with "FX" as a separate space? Also, what about the
ns.adobe.com/flex/GUMBO library, is that gone? I saw it a lot online but I
think it may have been combined into the main (unnamed) namespace.



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