Hey All,

I'm having an issue that I was hoping someone can help me out with.

I need to populate a datagrid based on XML being returned to Flex. The 
structure of the XML is as follows: 

     <lab id="2" title="Chemical Materials">
          <assignment assignmentid="2" name="s2 s2" grade="B"/>
          <assignment assignmentid="4"  name="s1 s1" grade="C"/>
          <assignment assignmentid="6"  name="John Smith" grade="B"/>
     <lab id="8" title="BioChem">
          <assignment assignmentid="3" name="s2 s2" grade="F"/>
          <assignment assignmentid="5" name="John Smith" grade="D"/>

When this XML gets returned to Flex I need to throw it into a Datagrid for 
diaplay. The catch is there can be any number of columns in the datagrid 
becasue the assignments can be of different quantities.

Here is the code that I am using to make the grid:

 "private function getGradebookSectionDb(event:ResultEvent):void{
  var gradebookBySection:XMLList = event.result.lab;
  var cols:Array=new Array;
  for (var i:int=0;i<gradebookBySection.length();i++){
        var col:DataGridColumn=new DataGridColumn();

When I do this, the columns get created from the XML very nicely with the 
headers displaying correctly but there is no data showing up in the columns. I 
would like to get one of the attribute values in each column but for some 
reason nothing comes up. When I do a trace on the "col.datafield" I get the 
right information coming back in the trace but nothing shows up in the column.

I would have just assigned the XML as a datapovider to the datagrid but as the 
amount of assignments returned can change, I saw this as my only option.

Can anyone help me with this?


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