
On :

Q: When is Flex 2.0 coming out, what will be in Flex 2.0?

We have released some information on Mistral in the Flash Platform 
Whitepaper (page 21)

mike chambers

>                  Flexcoders Frequently Asked Questions
>                       Last Updated: 30th May 2005
>     ------------------------------------------------------------------------
>                              Contributors:
> Matt Chotin, Steven Webster, Alistair McLeod, Tariq Ahmed, Jeff Tapper,
>  Peter Farland, Abdul Qabiz, Tracy Spratt, Jesse Warden, Dan Harfleet,
>                   Manish Jethani, Dimitrios Gianninas
> 1. What is Flexcoders?
> 2. How does Flexcoders relate to the Macromedia Flex Forum on
> 3. Who posts to Flexcoders?
> 4. Resources to check before asking a question
> 5. Guidelines for effective question-asking
> 6. FAQ
> 1. What is Flexcoders?
> Flexcoders is a forum where developers can ask questions about Flex,
> FlexBuilder, and Flex-related technologies (like Cairngorm, FlexUnit and
> SynergyFLEX).  The community is made up of everyday Flex developers as
> well as Macromedia employees. However, this is not an official
> Macromedia-sponsored forum, it is actually moderated by the folks at
> iteration::two, a consultancy responsible for authoring the book
> Developing Rich Internet Applications with Macromedia Flex.
> 2. How does Flexcoders relate to the Macromedia Flex Forum on
> Both the Macromedia Flex Forum and Flexcoders provide help on issues
> related to Flex, and neither is an official support mechanism.  Some
> people monitor both forums, some only one.  It is up to you to decide
> where you might have a better experience getting a question answered and
> being able to subsequently help others.
> 3. Who posts to Flexcoders?
> Everyone who has a question or an answer.  Many members of the Flex
> development team read and respond to Flexcoders as well as other
> Macromedia folks who monitor the community.
> Some recurring Macromedia folks are:
> David Mendels: EVP and GM, highest-level executive in charge of Flex.
> Lucian Beebe: Sr. Product Manager, Flex. Matt Chotin, Manish Jethani,
> Abdul Qabiz, Gordon Smith, Peter Farland and many more: Engineers on
> Flex.
> Active community members include:
> Steven Webster (Technical Director at iteration::two and co-author of
> Developing Rich Clients with Macromedia Flex), Alistair McLeod
> (Development Director at iteration::two and co-author of Developing Rich
> Clients with Macromedia Flex), Jesse Warden (JesterXL - Flash badass
> playing with Flex), Tracy Spratt (long-time member, holder of all
> knowledge related to 32K limits), Jeff Steiner (maintainer of
>, Tariq Ahmed (maintainer of, Jimmy
> Gianninas (long-time member, developer at Optimal Payments).
> And so many more!
> 4. Resources to check before asking a question
> The Flexcoders Mail Archive (better searching than YahooGroups):
> The Book "Developing Rich Clients with Macromedia Flex" (check your
> favorite bookstore)
> 5. Guidelines to effective question-asking
> Include a useful subject; this will help people find their own questions
> and answers later.
> Explain what you are trying to accomplish.
> Explain the error (include compilation errors or a description of the
> runtime behavior).
> Be prepared to break your problem down into a simpler scenario in case
> someone wants to try to debug the code themselves.  Remember, private
> web services are inaccessible; you may need to create some dummy data to
> emulate problems.
> Phrases to avoid:
> "URGENT" (we all have deadlines, no one is intentionally delaying a
> response to you)
> "Please send code" (this is very frustrating to read as it implies you
> aren't interested in learning anything on your own.  Where code is
> appropriate you can expect someone to provide it, but in many cases you
> will learn more by doing it on your own with appropriate guidance.  It
> may be that you're on a deadline and just want to finish, but many of
> those who respond regularly would prefer to "teach you to fish" so that
> you can answer your own questions next time and even help out others).
> 6. Mini-FAQ
> Q: Can I mail Matt, Manish, Abdul, Pete, Gordon, iteration::two, or
> anyone else for that matter off-line with my question?
> A: Please don't!  If someone is capable of answering your question on-
> list please believe that it will be done.  Everyone on the list has
> full-time jobs doing their own work and often answer flexcoders on their
> own time; mailing them off- list doesn’t endear you to them.  If no one
> answers on-list in a reasonable amount of time (24 hours) you can try to
> rephrase the question and perhaps include more detail (including a
> version of the problem that someone can run without doing any setup on
> their own machine).
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
> Q: When is Flex 2.0 coming out, what will be in Flex 2.0?
> A: Macromedia has not announced the schedule for Flex 2.  Details of the
> release are expected to come in the next few months, but for now there
> is no real public information about features or anything else.
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
> Q: What does "Branch between ... and ... around line ... exceeds 32K
> span" mean and how do I get rid of it?
> A: Don't panic.  Your app is NOT too big for Flex to handle. True, the
> 32k limit is a real Flash Player limitation to the size of certain
> structures like if blocks and for loops.  But you don't really care
> about that right now, because you don't have any direct control over
> those things.  Here is some information that will help you get back to
> coding:
> There are two main reasons you might the 32k issue.  The primary cause,
> and the one to address first, is the architecture of your application
> code.  The 32k error message asks you to "refactor" your code.
> Refactoring is essentially the process of modifying the structure of
> your source code while keeping the same functionality.  In the Flex
> world, this means moving some parts of the code  out of a main file and
> into separate components.  One way to do this is to use custom mxml
> components.  So instead of, say, having several hundred lines of mxml in
> a child container of a ViewStack, you put that mxml code into its own
> component file, and have a single line in the ViewStack to reference it.
> Do that for all the ViewStack children and 1000 lines of code can become
> 30. Decreasing the total number of visually rendered mxml tags in a
> single file will help avoid the 32k limit. Another type of refactoring
> is to move ActionScript code into its own class. Important note! Just
> putting the AS code into a file and then using the #include directive or
> the <mx:Script source="filename"> to include the code will NOT help with
> the 32k problem.  You MUST create a true AS class that contains the
> functionality.  Around two thousand lines of mixed mxml and AS code and
> you are in danger of the 32k error.  I have not found an upper limit
> whatsoever to  code length in a class.
> The second cause of the 32k error is not your fault.  During compile,
> Flex generates AS code out of your mxml source.  Then it compiles that
> into the Flash swf.  In that process it makes decisions on how to break
> up your source and generate the AS class code.  In Flex version 1.5, it
> doesn't always make the right decision, and the result is the 32k error.
> IF you are confident that you app is already efficiently "refactored",
> and you suspect you might be at one of these boundary conditions, first
> try compiling the app with ?debug="true" in the url.  If the app
> compiles, then you are surely at a boundary condition.  What is
> happening is that debug adds code to your source during
> generate/compile.  This additional code causes Flex to change the
> structure of the AS classes so that the 32k limit is not hit.  Hmm, more
> code?  Yeah.  Try just adding 50 or so lines of code, even if it is
> bogus.  Usually, this will get you working.  Now, when you add more real
> code go on and remove the bogus stuff, you don't want it in your
> production code!
> A final hint.  After hitting a 32k error, and trying one of the above
> solutions, if you still get the error, delete the temporary generated as
> code.  It is located in ..\MyAppServer\flex(flexroot or contextroot)
> \WEB- INF\flex\generated\*.  You can delete all the folders safely (make
> sure to restart your Flex server).
> This can be an aggravating and somewhat scary problem, and it always
> seems to happen just before an important demo.  Just use good, modular
> design, and remember the bogus code trick.  Macromedia has stated a
> committment to improving this situation in the next release.
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
> Q: What does "Warning: Changes to unknown property, ..., will not be
> detected" mean and how do I get rid of it?
> A: Generally speaking, binding needs type information to set up its
> change detection functionality, and anything that hides this info can
> cause this problem.  Don't use
> mx.core.application.application.myVariable in binding.  If you are
> passing a reference to some component into another component via public
> properties, type the property variable definition as specifically as
> possible. When using "dot.down" notation to specify a property in an
> object or model, cast it to a type:
> text="{String(myObject.whatever.firstName)}"
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
> Q: Is there a Rich Text Editor?
> A: With the current Flex 1.5 component set, there is no Rich Text Editor
> unfortunately.  There are some limitations in the current Flash Player
> that make such an editor difficult though there are implementations out
> there people have used.  Macromedia has heard many requests for a Rich
> Text Editor and has indicated there might be better support in a future
> release.
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
> Q: How to run Flex as a Service?
> A: Flex is not a server that you deploy and run, it is simply deployed
> as part of your web application. So whatever web container you are
> using, either Tomcat, JRun 4, WebLogic, etc... so long as you can run
> any of those as services, then it will work. To learn how to deploy
> Tomcat, JRun 4 or any other Java server as a service, please refer to
> the appropriate documentation for the server you are using.
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
> Q: Does Flex work on my platform?
> A: Probably, search the archives if you have a specific question about
> your platform before posting to the list.
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
> Q: How do I get Flex to query my database?
> A: Flex does not have any native database integration functionality. you
> will require some server-side tier that will do the database access and
> send the data back to Flex via one of three protocols:
> * RemoteObjects: Fastest. communicates with server side EJB's or POJOs using
>   AMF, a binary, compressed format.
> * HTTPService: uses HTTP protocol. Sources can be JSP, ASPx,.NET, files, any 
> url
>   that returns HTTP.
> * WebService: Slowest. Uses SOAP protocol. Sources can be .Net, or any
>   WebService.
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
> Q: I'm sending my request, and I see the data traffic in the command
> window, but the result is always empty.
> A: You are probably trying to read the result immediately after the
> send(), right, expecting synchronous behavior?  You can't do this. See
> "How do I make synchronous data calls?"
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
> Q: How do I make synchronous data calls?
> A: You CANNOT do synchronous calls. You MUST use the result event. No,
> you can't use a loop, or setInterval or even doLater.  This paradigm is
> quite aggravating at first. Take a deep breath, surrender to the
> inevitable, resistance is futile.
> There is a generic way to handle the asynchronous nature of data service
> calls called ACT (Asynchronous Call Token). Search for this in
> Developing Flex Apps doc for a full description, but here it is in a
> nutshell. This example uses HTTPService but will be similar for
> RemoteObject and WebService:
> * First, create a function to handle the data return, like "onResult()"
> * In the HTTPService tag, put this function name in the "result" property,
>   passing in event. <mx:HTTPService id="mxdsGetData" result="onResult(event)"
>   ...>
> * Invoke the call in script:
>   //invokes the call to the HTTP data service
>   var oRequestCallbject = app.mxdsGetData.send(oRequest);
>   //we will use this string value in the result handler.
>   //Yes, you CAN set this AFTER you invoke send()
>   oRequestCall.MyQueryId = "WhateverIWanttoUseToIdentifyThisCall" ;
> * In the result handler, which will be called every time the data service call
>   returns, you identify what the returned data contains like this:
>   var callResponse =; //get the call object
>   //gets the value of this property you set in the call
>   var sQueryId = callResponse.MyQueryId;
>   //will be "WhateverIWanttoUseToIdentifyThisCall";
>   trace(sQueryId);
>   You can use this sQueryId value in a switch to do the correct
>   processing. Alternatively, you can pass reference to a handler
>   function directly.
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
> Q: When I have only a single record, it does not display in my DataGrid
> A: This is a known issue that is caused by Flex's inability to
> differentiate between an object and an array with a single row. the
> solution is to ALWAYS use "toArray()". Here are some examples:
> In MXML:
>       <mx:DataProvider>
> {mx.utils.ArrayUtil.toArray(modelAccidents1.accidents.accident)}
>       </mx:DataProvider>
> And the inline format:
> dataProvider={mx.utils.ArrayUtil.toArray(testSrv.result.result.error)}
> And in ActionScript:
>       myControl.dataProvider =
> mx.utils.ArrayUtil.toArray(testSrv.result.result.error)
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
> Q: I have two alerts in my code, but they are displaying in reverse!
> A: Actually, it is worse that that.  Alerts, and "Modal" pop-up windows
> are not truly modal.  They prevent user interaction with the interface,
> but they do NOT block code execution.  What is happening is that both
> alerts are displaying, and the second one is on top of the first.  The
> way to get the behavior you want is to use events and handlers.  Your
> code must display the alert or modal pop-up, the end.  When the user
> dismisses the prompt, you then complete the processing. You should be
> able to find some examples if this on one of the sites listed in
> "Resources"
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
> Q: The columns in my DataGrid are in some strange order!
> A: The order is typically the reverse of the order in which they were
> added.  If you need a specific order, specify that and many other good
> things by using DataGridColumn tags.  See the docs.
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
> Q: Can I embed HTML in my Flex application?
> A: Flex supports a limited subset of HTML in its TextArea and some other
> text- related classes.  There is also a new article by Christophe on his
> blog discussing how to fake HTML with an IFRAME (
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
> Q: How can I make FlexBuilder faster?
> A: In order to improve FlexBuilder performance, it is best to disable
> the "Design View". This can only be done in FlexBuilder 1.5 and to do
> so, please follow these steps:
> * Select "Preferences" under the "Edit" menu 
> * In the "General" section, remove the check mark next to 
>   Enable MXML Design View" 
> * click on "OK"
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
> Q: Flex Builder debug does not stop at breakpoints in components
> A: The safest way to set breakpoints in component files is to use the
> Files list. Start the debugging session, nav you app to where you want
> to start debugging. Click the "Files" button on the Debug Toolbar, or go
> Menu Debug\Files.  Select the component you want, usually the .mxml or
> .as files. The list strips out underscores in filenames, and can be very
> long, but this method always works.  FB will open a temporary file, set
> the breakpoints, and away you go.
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
> Q: Are there frameworks available for Flex?
> A: Yep!
> Cairngorm:
> FlexUnit:
> SynergyFLEX: (this link is for 
> 1.0.0a)
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
> Q: When will Flex for .NET be available?
> A: Macromedia has not announced a date.
> // END
> --
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