The problem is due to the different durations for the effects. Stting them all 
to the same value fixes the problem.

I don't know whether this is a bug or whether it's just a limitation of a 
parallel effect. Someone else may have further input.



--- In, thorninc <ath...@...> wrote:
> Hello all!   :)
> Issue Description:
> -  Two chart series of two different series types (mx:ColumnSeries and
> mx:LineSeries)
> -  Trying to run two different chart data effects (mx:SeriesZoom and
> mx:SeriesSlide) simultaneously 
> -  Having some sort of conflict
> My application is more complex than this, but this is a good example of the
> type of thing that's happening on our chart when the data provider changes:
> 1)  Please compile and run the following code.  
> 2)  Then click the button at the bottom of the application.
> 3)  Notice how after the line series gets removed, it appears for a second,
> then disappears without using its hide and show effects.  Then it reappears,
> but this time using the appropriate chart data effect.
> Can anyone tell me how to fix this?
> Thanks,
> Anton
> -----------------------------   THE CODE:  -------------------------------
> <?xml version="1.0"?>
> <!-- charts/MultipleSeries.mxml -->
> <mx:Application xmlns:mx=""; width="100%"
> height="100%">
>   <mx:Script>
>     <![CDATA[
>       import mx.collections.ArrayCollection;
>         [Bindable]
>         public var SMITH:Array = [
>            {date:"22-Aug-05", close:42.87},
>            {date:"23-Aug-05", close:45.74},
>            {date:"24-Aug-05", close:48.77},
>            {date:"25-Aug-05", close:44.06},
>         ];
>         [Bindable]
>         public var DECKER:Array = [
>            {date:"22-Aug-05", close:49.59},
>            {date:"23-Aug-05", close:45.3},
>            {date:"24-Aug-05", close:43.71},
>            {date:"25-Aug-05", close:47.88},
>         ];
>         public var year:int = 1;
>         public function changeProvider():void {
>             if (year == 2) {
>                 lineSeries.dataProvider=DECKER;
>                 colSeries.dataProvider=SMITH;
>                 b1.label="View Second Year Data";
>                 year=1;
>             } else {
>                 lineSeries.dataProvider=SMITH;
>                 colSeries.dataProvider=DECKER;
>                 b1.label="View First Year Data";            
>                 year=2;
>             }
>         }
>     ]]>
>   </mx:Script>
>   <!-- Define chart effects -->
>     <mx:SeriesSlide 
>         id="slideIn" 
>         duration="1000" 
>         direction="right"
>     />
>     <mx:SeriesSlide 
>         id="slideOut" 
>         duration="1000" 
>         direction="left"
>     />
>     <!-- Define chart effects --> 
>   <mx:SeriesZoom id="zoomOut" 
>      duration="2000" 
>      minimumElementDuration="50"
>      elementOffset="50" 
>      verticalFocus="top" 
>      horizontalFocus="left"
>      relativeTo="series"
>   />
>   <mx:SeriesZoom id="zoomIn" 
>      duration="2000" 
>      minimumElementDuration="50" 
>      elementOffset="-50" 
>      verticalFocus="top" 
>      horizontalFocus="right"
>      relativeTo="series"
>   />
>   <mx:Panel title="Multiple Data Series" width="100%" height="100%">
>      <mx:ColumnChart id="myChart"
>         dataProvider="{SMITH}"
>         showDataTips="true"
>         height="100%"
>         width="100%"
>      >        
>         <mx:horizontalAxis>
>            <mx:CategoryAxis categoryField="date"/>
>         </mx:horizontalAxis>
>         <mx:verticalAxis>
>            <mx:LinearAxis minimum="40" maximum="50"/>
>         </mx:verticalAxis>
>         <mx:series>
>            <mx:ColumnSeries
>                       id="colSeries"
>                 dataProvider="{SMITH}"
>                 xField="date"
>                 yField="close"
>                 displayName="SMITH"                   
>                 showDataEffect="zoomIn"
>                 hideDataEffect="zoomOut"
>            >
>            </mx:ColumnSeries>
>            <mx:LineSeries
>                       id="lineSeries"
>                 dataProvider="{DECKER}"
>                 xField="date"
>                 yField="close"
>                 displayName="DECKER"
>                       showDataEffect="slideIn"
>                       hideDataEffect="slideOut"
>            >
>            </mx:LineSeries>
>         </mx:series>
>      </mx:ColumnChart>
>      <mx:Legend dataProvider="{myChart}"/>
>   </mx:Panel>    
>   <mx:Button id="b1" click="changeProvider()" label="View Second Year
> Data"/>
> </mx:Application>
> -- 
> View this message in context: 
> Sent from the FlexCoders mailing list archive at

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