I have a bit of a perplexing problem (With a workaround).

In a datagrid I have an itemRenderer that sets one column to a linkButton. In 
the constructor I have...

addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, handleLinkClicked);

I also have a valueObject imported...

import Model.ValueObjects.DetailData;

Now, in my eventListener I try to coerce the event.target.data to a detailData 
object like so...

var currentItem:DetailData = event.target.data as DetailData;

I have confirmed that event.target.data is an object of type 

If I set a breakpoint here, then currentItem is null.

If I try...

var currentItem:* = event.target.data;

then currentItem is properly populated as a Model.ValueObjects.DetailData 

The only way to get it to work properly is to do...

var currentItem:DetailData = event.target.data as Model.ValueObjects.DetailData;

Also, there is only one class file named DetailData.

So, why is it that I import the correct class but it fails to coerce unless I 
set the full path to the class file?

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