Thanks all - <fx:Script> does the trick

--- In, "Mic" <chigwel...@...> wrote:
> Assuming that the latest namespace changes point to this standard:
> ?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
> <s:Application name="GumboApp"
>         xmlns:fx="";
>         xmlns:s="library://"
>         xmlns:mx="library://">
> <mx:Script>
>    <![CDATA[
>        //ActionScript statements
>    ]]>
>  </mx:Script>
> Why does <mx:Script> give a
> Could not resolve <mx:Script> to a component implementation?
>  What does work in the way of code completion does pop up <mx:Script>, and 
> Gumbo Lang Refs still lists <mx:Script>. TIA,
> Mic.

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