here tileListDataProvider is a tilelist which gets data from MySql and
categoryCombo is combobox which also gets data from MySql look filter image 
function where it is return new xmlList ..and item.(category == 
categoryCombo.selectedLabel) put your login in the bracket i used mine 
when combo box selected label match the tilelist one item name category

private function filterImage(item:XML):Boolean
                        var xList:XMLList = new XMLList();
                        xList = item.(category == categoryCombo.selectedLabel);
                        if(xList.length() > 0)
                                return true;
                                return false;
                private function filterTileListData(e:ListEvent):void
                        if (categoryCombo.selectedLabel !== "All" && 
categoryCombo.selectedLabel !== "") 
                    tileListDataProvider.filterFunction = filterImage;
                    tileListDataProvider.filterFunction = null;


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