That's a perfectly reasonable error. Both things compile to a class
called CustomSkin - and you can't have two classes in the same project
called CustomSkin.

Sounds like your sample project wasn't set up to compile - are you
sure whoever provided the project isn't just giving you two separate
examples of the same thing, one version in MXML, one version in AS? I
suspect you aren't supposed to be trying to compile the two together.



On Wed, May 27, 2009 at 8:35 PM, markgoldin_2000
<> wrote:
> I am getting the following error:
> Severity and Description Path Resource Location Creation Time Id
> D:\projects\sfcs\UFDCommonLib\src\ and
> D:\projects\sfcs\UFDCommonLib\src\CustomSkin.mxml can't co-exist in the same
> directory. UFDCommonLib
> Why is that? I am using a sample project I got from the web and these files
> are in the same directory.
> Thanks for help.

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