Hi Tracy,

Thanks for the response.

You mentioned something about creating a VO with strongly typed properties.  
Care to show some links/examples on how to achieve this?



From: Tracy Spratt <tr...@nts3rd.com>
To: flexcoders@yahoogroups.com
Sent: Thursday, 28 May, 2009 11:33:14
Subject: RE: [flexcoders] Converting XML Data Retrieved from Web Service to 

I suggest that in your “serviceResultHandle r” you do something like:
var oTemp:Object
var xl:XMLList = _xmlData.children( );
For ( var i:int=0;xl.length( );i++)  {
  oTemp = {SupplierID:xl[ i].SupplierId. text(), CompanyName: 
xl[i].CompanyName. text(), …  }
  arrDP.addItem( oTemp);
Still better would be to create a VO with strongly typed properties(Supplier 
ID. etc) rather than the generic Object.
Tracy Spratt,
Lariat Services, development services available


From:flexcod...@yahoogro ups.com [mailto: flexcod...@yahoogro ups.com ] On 
Behalf Of Angelo Anolin
Sent: Wednesday, May 27, 2009 8:10 PM
To: flexcod...@yahoogro ups.com
Subject: [flexcoders] Converting XML Data Retrieved from Web Service to 

Hi FlexCoders,
I am able to retrieve an XML data from a backend (ASP.NET) webservice and 
simultaneously, bind it to my datagrid.
I want to convert the XML data to an ArrayCollection and bind that Array 
Collection to the datagrid instead of the XML data.
The conversion needs to be done so that I could implement a search/filter 
functionality for my datagrid.
Here's some of the codes I have:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf- 8"?>
<mx:Application xmlns:mx="http://www.adobe. com/2006/ mxml" 
    backgroundGradientC olors="[# FFCC00, #993300]" 
    horizontalAlign= "left" >
   import mx.utils.ArrayUtil;
   import mx.collections. ArrayCollection;
   import mx.controls. Alert;
   import mx.rpc.events. FaultEvent;
   import mx.rpc.events. ResultEvent;
   import mx.rpc.soap. mxml.WebService;
   import mx.managers. CursorManager;
   import mx.managers. PopUpManager;
   import mx.utils.ObjectUtil ;
    * @bindable 
    * @private
    * @property Will hold the data passed from the web service.
   private var _xmlData:XML;
   private var arrDP:ArrayCollecti on = new ArrayCollection;
   private function getGridData( ):void
    CursorManager. setBusyCursor( );
    var service:WebService = new WebService() ;
    service.addEventLis tener(ResultEven t.RESULT, serviceResultHandle r);
    service.addEventLis tener(FaultEvent .FAULT, serviceFaultHandler );
    service.loadWSDL( "http://localhost: 55841/Service1. asmx?WSDL");
    service.RetrieveSup pliers2() ;
    arrDP = new ArrayCollection( mx.utils. ArrayUtil. toArray(_ xmlData)) ;
   private function serviceResultHandle r(event:ResultEv ent) :void
    CursorManager. removeBusyCursor ();
    _xmlData = XML(event.result) ;
    this.MydataGrid. visible = true;
   private function serviceFaultHandler (event:FaultEven t) :void
    CursorManager. removeBusyCursor ();
    Alert.show(String( event.fault) , "Error");
    this.btnLoad. enabled = true;
   private function sortNumericColumn( itemA:Object, itemB:Object) : int
    return ObjectUtil.numericC ompare(itemA. SupplierID, itemB.SupplierID) ;
   private function searchFilterGrid( e:Event) :void
    e.stopImmediateProp agation()
    if(txtSearch. text == '')
     arrDP.filterFunctio n = null;
     arrDP.filterFunctio n = textFilter;
   private function textFilter(item: Object) :Boolean
    return item.CompanyName. toLowerCase( ).indexOf( txtSearch. 
text.toLowerCase ()) != -1;
 <mx:HBox height="50"
    horizontalScrollPol icy="off"
    verticalScrollPolic y="off">
  <mx:ComboBox >
     <mx:String>Supplier ID</mx:String>
     <mx:String>Company Name</mx:String>
     <mx:String>Contact Name</mx:String>
     <mx:String>Contact Title</mx:String>
  <mx:TextInput id="txtSearch" width="200" change="searchFilte rGrid(event) " />
  <mx:CheckBox label="Filter" />
  <mx:Label id="lblRecordCount" />
 <mx:VBox horizontalCenter= "0" 
    verticalCenter= "0" 
    horizontalScrollPol icy="off"
    verticalScrollPolic y="off"
    height="100% "
    width="100%" >
  <mx:HBox width="70%" height="100% " borderStyle= "solid">
   <mx:DataGrid id="MydataGrid" 
       creationComplete= "getGridData( );" 
       horizontalScrollPol icy="on" 
       height="100% " 
       dataProvider= "{_xmlData. *}" 
       itemClick="getDataI tems();" >
     <mx:DataGridColumn headerText=" ID" dataField="Supplier ID" 
sortCompareFunction ="sortNumericCol umn" width="30"/>
     <mx:DataGridColumn headerText=" Company Name" dataField="CompanyN ame" 
     <mx:DataGridColumn headerText=" Contact Name" dataField="ContactN ame"  
     <mx:DataGridColumn headerText=" Contact Title" dataField="ContactT itle" 
     <mx:DataGridColumn headerText=" Address" dataField="Address" width="250"/>
When I replace the dataProvider for the datagrid with this:

dataProvider= "{arrDP}"
No data is shown on the datagrid.  How can I then convert the XML to array 
collection and subsequently, be able to bind it to my datagrid?
I would appreciate your advice on this matter.
Thanks and regards,


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