You need to take a look at setting up a custom item renderer for the dg column. As for an example, try searching flex datagrid itemRenderer to get a good start.

in a nutshell, you create your itemRenderer as a separate component then reference that component in your DG column...such as:

<mx:DataGridColumn itemRenderer="rendererdirectory.URLRenderer"/>

we generally use this for hyperlinking email addys and it works great. Our actual renderer is based on a Label and we override the set data function, passing our dataItem into htmlText with the url info and then we return the renderer. We have a click listener on the Label declaration that (in the end) fires a navigateToURL() function.
Good luck!

guess what wrote:

I have a Flex Data Grid Populated from XML .
In of the collumns I want to have the collumn as a href with some parameters .
Is it possible . It would be helpful if someone has an actual example .

--- On *Fri, 5/29/09, /<>/* wrote:

    From: <>
    Subject: Re: [flexcoders] Re: Need Alternative for enterFrame
    event (Causing Memory leak )
    Date: Friday, May 29, 2009, 2:23 PM

    Hi Dharmendra

    While you don't have access to JavaScript, would the old school
    methods still work such as setting a Flash variable on the active
    x control. Back in older versions of Flash the only way to
    communicate between the browser and the ActiveX was to use things
    like setVariable then inside Flash you would have a watch
    expression that watched for changes to that variable, and reacted.
    The variable value could only be a string (I think). Back then we
    would change the value of the variable from outside, have Flash
    react to the change, reset the value of the variable to its
    "non-set" state. Assuming this would still work, when the .NET
    application regained focus you would tell the ActiveX instance to
    setVariable( "focusReceived" , "true"); and in Flash it would see
    that, reset the listeners. One word of warning, if your resetting
    your listeners constantly, are you doing anything to remove the
    old listeners first - if not that may well be the source of your
    memory leak. I used the setVariable method in VB with the old
    Flash active x controls a number of years ago and it worked
    flawlessly, you just have to set it up right to begin with and it
    was obviously "messier" then the ExternalInterface method.

    Mark R. Jonkman

    ----- Original Message -----
    From: "Dharmendra Chauhan" <chauhan_icse@>
    To: flexcod...@yahoogro
    Sent: Friday, May 29, 2009 3:00:46 PM GMT -05:00 US/Canada Eastern
    Subject: [flexcoders] Re: Need Alternative for enterFrame event
    (Causing Memory leak )

    Hi Manish,

       Thanks for the suggestion.

    I wish , I could use java script to set the Focus  but I do not
    have luxury of Java Script as My application is running as ActiveX
    control inside dot net based application.

    Once the callback broken , communication from Ashokwave lib to swf
    is not possible.

    This is really a serious issue, I need some work around to fix it
    as I could not wait till the adobe fix it.


    --- In flexcod...@yahoogro, Manish Jethani
    <manish.jethani@ ...> wrote:
    > On Fri, May 29, 2009 at 12:40 AM, Dharmendra Chauhan
    > <chauhan_icse@ ...> wrote:
    > > The issue is with callBack ,what is happening is as soon you
    hide Flex
    > > application by opening another application( any app)  and then
    again you
    > > come  back to  your flex  app , call back  does not work ,
    they are broken.I
    > > found following related jira for this.
    > >
    > > http://bugs. jira/browse/ FP-143
    > >
> > To solve this issue , I am re-registering all callBacks on ENTER_FRAME > > event and issue appears to be solved but this is leading to memory leak.
    > >
    > > Neither Activate nor FocusEvent.FOCUS_ IN does  serve my
    purpose , both
    > > required  a mouse Clk before they dispached.
    > I thought you'd get 'activate' when the player got focus. You could
    > try setting the focus back to Flash through JavaScript (I don't
    > remember how to do this now). You should be getting a focus event on
    > the HTML/JS side at least.
    > Manish

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