
I'm currently considering persuading a client to move a highly-trafficked 
site's widgets over to Flex. The big hurdle is of course the increased download 
that comes with Flex. 

Having weighed up the options, I certainly want to use Flex, and have no doubt 
that through the use of the Framework RSL, any initially increased downloads 
would soon reconcile themselves. However, my client is going to take some 
serious convincing that it is worthwile taking the initial hit from the 
framework RSL (vs AS3 only widgets).

So I was wondering about starting to push the Framework RSL out to the site's 
users (Mostly repeat users who use the site regularly), in advance of 
implimenting the Flex widgets/components. I envisage this being done on 
heavilly-trafficked, but lightweight pages which do not use any streamed 
content. I would imagine using a hidden swf set to use the Framework RSL, 
possibly delaying its initialisation to ensure anything else necessary for the 
page to display propperly has loaded. I have the luxury of time on this, with 
potentially 3 - 4 months before deployment, so I think over this timeframe a 
significant number of visitors could be seeded with the Framework RSL.

I was wondering whether anyone has tried anything like this, and whether anyone 
saw any potential problems with this approach.


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