2009/6/3 j2me_soul <j2me_s...@163.com>:
> Why the label can't be displaied on the srceen?

>  public class rectElement extends UIComponent
>  {
>   private var lal:Label;
>   public function rectElement()
>   {
>    super();
>   }

You don't have to write a constructor if all you're going to do it
call the superclass constructor. Just so you know. You can still do it
if you consider it a good practice.

>   override protected function createChildren():void{
>    if( lal == null ){
>     lal = new Label;
>     lal.text = "Label";
>     addChild(lal);
>     this.explicitWidth = lal.width;
>     this.explicitHeight = lal.height;
>    }
>   }

Normally a component should not set its own
explicitWidth/explicitHeight. These properties are to be set by the
Flex framework. A component should only calculate its measuredWidth
and measuredHeight, based on its contents. The right place to do that
is the measure() implementation.

>   override protected function measure():void{
>    this.explicitMinWidth = this.explicitMinHeight = 50;
>   }
>  }

Here you should set the meauredWidth, measuredHeight, and optionally
measuredMinWidth and measuredMinHeight (they can be set to the same as
measuredWidth and measuredHeight respectively).

> <mx:Application xmlns:mx="http://www.adobe.com/2006/mxml"; layout="absolute"
> mlns:local="*">
> <local:rectElement >
>  /* there is nothing on the screen. Where is the Label ? */
> </local:rectElement>
> </mx:Application>

Okay, you haven't implemented updateDisplayList(). That's where you
have do the layout. For example, in the following way:

  function updateDisplayList(unscaledWidth:Number,
    super.updateDisplayList(unscaledWidth, unscaledHeight);

    lal.setActualSize(unscaledWidth, unscaledHeight);

Basically your component object is first measured by the framework,
and then it is assigned a size. You have to lay out the contents of
the component based on the allocated size (unscaledWidth and

It is also a good idea to always call the superclass's
createChildren() method at the end of your implementation.



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