
mxml and as files are all converted in .swf files when compiled.

You cannot call a "mxml" file from java, but you can exchange objects
between then, but not that way you are thinking.

Take a look at graniteds project:


Read the documentation, I believe that it will clarify how you can make the
communication between java and flex.



On Thu, Jun 4, 2009 at 10:21 AM, kotha poornima <poorniag...@gmail.com>wrote:

> Hi All,
> I am new to flex. And i learned how to call java servlets or jsp's from
> flex. But now a question arises in my mind if in a project having all the
> jsps and java servlets. If suppose they want to replace jsps with flex mxml
> files how java servlets will
> invoke mxml files as they(servlets) invoke jsps.
> From java servlets we can invoke jsps and transfer the control to jsp by
> using RequestDispatcher. how can we call mxml files
> from java servlets.
> And if there are any request objects set in the java servlets, how can flex
> mxml files access those objects.
> Hope you all got my question.
> Awaiting for all your replies. Thanks in Advance!
> Poornima

* Pedro Sena
* Systems Architect
* Sun Certified Java Programmer
* Sun Certified Web Component Developer

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