In brief; I think your design challenges are concerned with the implementation of your view, and should not be concerned at this level with fitting into the Cairngorm architecture.  Rather, you have a challenge of creating a component hierarchy of abstract Shapes and concrete implementations of those shapes, that honour a well defined API of your own devising.
You will likely have a custom Canvas object capable of rendering your Shapes and implementing your drawing tools, and all of that behavior will be encapsulated in the implementation of your view.
Only if you wish to start communicating with data services, would I consider that your components are manipulated by view helpers.
If I could make a recommendation here, it would be to do what you are doing *without* Cairngorm and then once you have an implementation that works, to consider if any of the design patterns we used, and the motivations we have publically discussed for where you might benefit from these design patterns, much any of the issues you have faced. 
As Grady put very well already, it sounds like your app isn't as thirsty for cairngorm patterns as a typical n-tier application would be.
Steven Webster
Technical Director
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From: [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Omar Ramos
Sent: 22 August 2005 21:57
Subject: Re: [flexcoders] Cairgorm question.

This is what I had planed. The user can draw many things on the stage a ballon put a image or some text. So I was going to make a ViewHelper for the flex canvas component that would have the methods that create these views on the Canvas. Then a particular view would dispatch a event like CreateNewImageCommand and would invoke the correct Method on the ViewHelper and pass it a VO of the image to add. But don't know if this is the rigth implementation as in the documentation it seams that a ViewHelper is to massage the model and not manipulate the views directly and in this case am creating new views on the view.
Omar Ramos
System Developer

On 8/22/05, Scott Barnes <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Well personally, when writing components (which is kind of what your
stating you've done), i keep the "views" selfcontained.

An Example was a CustomCalendar

1xCombobox = month
1xNumericStepper = year
1xCalendar = day

Now my other views rely on the fact that these three controls trigger
a date change (depending on what you manipulate).

So do i write viewHelpers for every single container within my
heirachy? not really (not in my view heheh)

even though they feel like a view, in reality they are probably
considered a "component" and as such, encapsulation rules apply?

So what I do is inside my CustomCalendar.mxml i put the logic in
there, and keep one public variable up-to-date ...
"selectedDate:Date", then I dispatch an "onChange" event.

In doing this my actual view can listen for a change, and then carry
out further instructions via its ViewHelper (ie update model, or
trigger an event broadcast).

On 8/23/05, Omar Ramos <[EMAIL PROTECTED] > wrote:
> Hi again :),
> I have a question about ViewHelpers again! I know the ViewHelpers are
> there to massage the Model. But what when I have to invoke difrent
> events of that specific view from other views? For example I am making
> a drawing application and I have difrent methods for creating shapes
> manipulating them ect. These methods need to be called from other
> views that are deaply nested. Does this scenario justifies the
> ViewHelper ? So that I can have difrent commands like DrawShapeCommand
> or DrawRectangleCommand and have each view only dispatch the event to
> draw a shape? Thanks and sorry for the trubles just trying to use your
> framework correctly.
> Omar Ramos
> System Developer
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