Error 1009 is "Cannot access a property or method of a null object reference.". 
Try calling event.fault.getStackTrace() in the fault handler to see what the 
problem is. You may have a null XML object returned.

--- In, Angelo Anolin <angelo_ano...@...> wrote:
> Hi FlexCoders,
> I am totally confused with the error I am having at the moment. Been banging 
> my head on this for the past 3 hours..
> In one of my function, I am trying to call a WebService method passing an 
> ArrayCollection.
> var svcDP:WebService = new WebService();
> svcDP.addEventListener(ResultEvent.RESULT, getRH);
> svcDP.addEventListener(FaultEvent.FAULT, getFH);
> svcDP.loadWSDL(_appWebService);
> svcDP.Method2(myArrayColl);
> Calling the webservice, I always get an error, which is defined in the 
> faulthandler event, registering Error 1009.
> But when I do another web service call before the Method2, say:
> var svcDP:WebService = new WebService();
> svcDP.addEventListener(ResultEvent.RESULT, getRH);
> svcDP.addEventListener(FaultEvent.FAULT, getFH);
> svcDP.loadWSDL(_appWebService);
> svcDP.Method1(myArrayColl);
> svcDP.Method2(myArrayColl);
> The Method2 gets called (I know because am doing a trace on the web service).
> Now I don't have any idea why when only Method2 is called, the web service is 
> not triggered, but calling another webservice before it, the method is 
> triggered.
> Any idea?
> Thanks and regards,
> Angelo

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