I'm writing some unit tests for my database, and I'm having a real problem
with Julian date comparisons in the SQLite database.  I'm trying to load
records by the following query:

select * from Table where created_at > ?

If my given Date is less than stored dates by 100ms SQLite fails to hand
them back.  I've taken the times stored in SQLite and put them into
coversion programs to convert them to unix epoch longs, and millisecond
percision is stored in the number.  SQLIte does have percision down to the
millisecond, but when I do a sql query they fail to compare correctly.  I've
also confirmed that I do get back the milliseconds correctly stored in the
actionscript's Date object.  Has anyone else had trouble like this?  Should
I just store them as unix epoch integers rather than SQLite's Julian?  These
timestamps are important and I want them to be as precise as possible so
while I could chalk it up to only have second precision that increases the
likelyhood of mistakes if operations occur within that second.


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