You can play the first effect and listen to the effectEnd event ant in the 
handler start the second effect or you can go with putting the effects inside a 


From: Chet Haase <>
To: "" <>
Sent: Thursday, July 9, 2009 5:50:27 PM
Subject: RE: [flexcoders] How to link effects so that one starts after one 

are a couple of ways you could make this work:
1)      Simplest: make your triggered effects do the right thing (the
appearing one waits for the disappearing one to finish, via a startDelay):
<mx:WipeDown id="wipeDown" duration="700"
<mx:WipeUp id="wipeUp" duration="700" startDelay=”700”/>
would ensure that the wipeUp effect (which always runs on the component coming
into view, in your example) will not run until the duration of the wipeDown
(used for the disappearing component) is finished.
2)      More involved: Use transitions
of triggers for these one-off effects, you could set up your application to use
states for your components. in one state, the DataGrid would be there anre the
List would not, in the other state the List would be there and the DataGrid
would not. Then you could set up transitions for these states. It’s a bit
more involved, but might scale better than just running individual effects on
the components.
From:flexcod...@yahoogro [mailto:flexcoders@ yahoogroups. com] On 
Behalf Of gmoniey22
Sent: Wednesday, July 08, 2009 6:29 PM
To: flexcod...@yahoogro
Subject: [flexcoders] How to link effects so that one starts after one

I have two components, and I want to swap
between them using wipe down/up. i.e. click a button, the visible panel slides
down, and after that panel is no longer visible, the other panel slides up and
takes its place.

I have tried something like the following (please excuse the crude example),
but the effects occur at the same time, and it doesn't look that good.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<mx:Application xmlns:mx="http://www.adobe. com/2006/ mxml"
import mx.binding.utils. BindingUtils;

private var _show:Boolean = true;

private function swapShow(event: MouseEvent) :void {
_show = !_show;

<mx:WipeDown id="wipeDown" duration="700" />
<mx:WipeUp id="wipeUp" duration="700" />

<mx:DataGrid visible="{_show}" includeInLayout="{_show}"
showEffect="wipeUp" hideEffect="wipeDown" />
<mx:List visible="{!_show}" includeInLayout="{!_show}"
showEffect="wipeUp" hideEffect="wipeDown"/>
<mx:Button label="Swap" click="swapShow(event)" />


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