Hey guys,


Right, I’ve a situation where I need to sort a particular datagrid column as a date, however the value of the cell is actually a string (eg 7th Aug 2005).

I’ve got this all working, however I’m trying to package it up as a class so I can reuse it 100 times through the various datagrids I’ve got. My problem is I’m calling:


dg.dataProvider.sortItems(dateFieldCompare, ((sortOrder == 1)? 0: Array.DESCENDING));


Where dg is my datagrid (passed through via the class constructor). The issue I’m having is that I cannot access any variables from the dateFieldCompare function. My constructor header is as follows:


public function DateSortUtil(myDg:mx.controls.DataGrid,columnIndex:Number,field:String) {


Ideally I want field to be accessible to the dateFieldCompare function so I know what field to compare. The following is the header from dateFieldCompare:


private function dateFieldCompare(item1:Object, item2:Object, bit:Number):Number


To get it working at the moment I’m having to compare item1.date and item2.date . However ‘date’ won’t always be the name of the fields I want to compare, and item1[field] isn’t going to work.


Any ideas?


Cheers, Steve

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