I am able to programmatically create a RemoteObject to call RPCs
against, and now I am trying to programmatically create a messaging
Consumer that listens on a streaming AMF channel.

I have cranked up logging verbosity. I note the 404 (not found) message:
[SWF] /samples/testdrive-datapush/ProgMsg.swf - 883,736 bytes after
'my-streaming-amf' channel endpoint set to
'A9D9B478-E4BB-6C26-196F-7B082707F804' consumer set destination to
'A9D9B478-E4BB-6C26-196F-7B082707F804' consumer subscribe.
'my-streaming-amf' pinging endpoint.
'my-streaming-amf' channel got status. (Object)#0
   code = "NetConnection.Call.Failed"
   description = "HTTP: Status 404"
   details = "http://localhost:8400/samples/messagebroker/amfstreaming";
   level = "error"
'my-streaming-amf' channel polling stopped.
'my-streaming-amf' channel connect failed.
The streaming AMF endpoint looks right to me. What am I missing?

Here is the (small) test project source code:

For convenience, the SWF and HTML files built by this test project drop
into the {BlazeDsTurnkey}/tomcat/webapps/samples/testdrive-datapush
directory and the project can be run from

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