You're exactly correct. I offered some ASCII-art diagrams of this yesterday, 
but your explanation in English is better.

Gordon Smith
Adobe Flex SDK Team

From: [] On Behalf 
Of Todd Kerpelman
Sent: Monday, July 27, 2009 6:35 PM
Subject: Re: [flexcoders] Who can explain me this:

Here's my guess as to what's going on underneath the hood...

private var a:Object = {data:String};
"Let's create an object that lives at memory address 123 RAM Lane. This 
variable 'a' gives me the object that lives at that address."

private var b:Object = {data:String};
"Let's create an object that lives at memory address 456 Silicon Drive. This 
variable 'b' gives me the object that lives at that address."

private var testx:Array = [a]
"The first entry of this array is this object that the variable 'a' is pointing 
to. Looks like that's the object at 123 RAM lane. So the first entry of this 
array is 'The object that lives at 123 RAM Lane'"

trace(testx[0].data) // 1st - 100
"According to the first entry of my array, I want to be looking at the object 
that lives at 123 RAM Lane. That's an object with a 'data' variable of 100" = 1000
"This variable 'a' is looking at an object that lives at 123 RAM Lane. Let's 
take this object and set it's 'data' variable to 1000"

a = b;
"You know this variable 'a' that's looking at the object that lives at 123 RAM 
Lane? Let's have it look at the object that lives at 456 Silicon Drive"

trace(testx[0].data) // 3rd - 1000
"According to the first entry of my array, I want to be looking at the object 
that lives at 123 RAM lane. That's an object with a 'data' variable of 1000"

Basically, it's the fact that when you assign objects to variables, you're not 
assigning the entire object, but a pointer to where that object lives in 
memory. And then, when you stored that object in an array, I'm guessing that 
Flex stored "The address of the object that 'a' is pointing to" instead of 
anything related to the actual variable called 'a'. That's why you can change 
what a is pointing to without actually changing what the first element in your 
array is pointing to.

At least, I'm pretty sure that's what's going on. Somebody out there feel free 
to correct me if I'm wrong...


On Mon, Jul 27, 2009 at 6:17 PM, lytvynyuk 
<<>> wrote:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<mx:Application xmlns:mx=""; layout="absolute" 
import mx.collections.ArrayCollection;

private var a:Object = {data:String};
private var b:Object = {data:String};

[Bindable] private var testx:Array = [a]

private function init():void { = 200; = 100
trace(testx[0].data) // 1st - 100 = 1000
trace(testx[0].data) // 2nd - 1000
a = b;
trace(testx[0].data) // 3rd - 1000

Why third trace(...) outputs 1000 not 200!? :)

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