The move effect doesn't occur because I'm an idiot. It was supposed to be on 
the children.  For some reason I thought canvas applied moveEffect to its 

The other questions though I'd still like to know.

--- In, Wesley Acheson <wesley.ache...@...> wrote:
> HI,
> I've got an application I'm trying to implement a custom layout.  I'm trying
> to get move and resize effects to work on the children but it doesn't seem
> to work. Have I missed something obvious?
> Also...
> When I'm extending Canvas am I changing the correct method to recalculate
> the size and position of the children.
> Should this ignore canvas and instead extend Container?
> Please note that this is a WIP.
> Would anyone like me to post the completed version when its done?
> *Application.mxml*
> <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
> <mx:Application xmlns:mx=""; layout="absolute"
> xmlns:icarus="com.icarus.*">
>     <mx:Script>
>         <![CDATA[
>             private function
> widgetAddButtonClickHandler(event:MouseEvent):void
>             {
>                 widgetContainer.addChildAt(new Panel(),0);
>             }
>             private function
> widgetRemoveButtonClickHandler(event:MouseEvent):void
>             {
>                 widgetContainer.removeChildAt(0);
>             }
>         ]]>
>     </mx:Script>
>     <icarus:WidgetContainer right="10" left="10" bottom="10"
> id="widgetContainer" top="51" borderStyle="solid" borderThickness="1"
> borderColor="#585A5C" backgroundColor="#CCDCEA">
>      <icarus:moveEffect>
>          <mx:Parallel>
>              <mx:Move duration="250" />
>              <mx:Resize duration="250" />
>          </mx:Parallel>
>      </icarus:moveEffect>
>         <mx:Panel move="trace('moved')" x="5"/>
>     </icarus:WidgetContainer>
>     <mx:ApplicationControlBar top="10" left="10" right="10" height="33">
>         <mx:Button label="Add Item" id="widgetAddButton"
> click="widgetAddButtonClickHandler(event)"/>
>         <mx:Button label="Remove Item" id="widgetRemoveButton"
> click="widgetRemoveButtonClickHandler(event)" />
>     </mx:ApplicationControlBar>
> </mx:Application>
> **
> package com.icarus
> {
>     import mx.containers.Canvas;
>     import mx.core.UIComponent;
>     public class WidgetContainer extends Canvas
>     {
>         private var positions:Array;
>         public var numCols:int = 3;
>         private var paddingLeft:int = 10;
>         private var paddingRight:int = 10;
>         private var paddingTop:int = 10;
>         private var paddingBottom:int = 10;
>         private var itemSpacing:int =10;
>         private var itemMinHeight:int = 200;
>         public function WidgetContainer()
>         {
>             super();
>         }
>         private function calculatePositions(width:int, height:int):void
>         {
>             var children:Array = getChildren();
>             var numChildren:int = children.length;
>             var availableHeight:int = height - (paddingTop + paddingBottom);
>             availableHeight = availableHeight - (viewMetrics.bottom +
>             var availableWidth:int = width; - (paddingLeft + paddingRight);
>             availableWidth = availableWidth - ( +
> viewMetrics.bottom);
>             availableWidth = availableWidth - ((verticalScrollBar ===
> null)?0:verticalScrollBar.width)
>             var numFirstRowChildren:int = (numChildren -1) % numCols +1;
>             var numRows:int = Math.ceil(numChildren / numCols);
>             var rowHeight:int = availableHeight -(paddingTop
> +paddingBottom);
>             var firstRowWidth:int = availableWidth - ((numFirstRowChildren
> -1) * itemSpacing);
>             firstRowWidth = firstRowWidth / numFirstRowChildren;
>             var otherRowWidth:int = availableWidth - ((numCols-1) *
> itemSpacing);
>             otherRowWidth = otherRowWidth /numCols;
>             rowHeight = availableHeight - ((numRows-1) * itemSpacing);
>             rowHeight = Math.max(rowHeight / numRows, itemMinHeight);
>             positions = new Array();
>             for (var i:int=0; i<numChildren; i++)
>             {
>                 positions[i] = new Position();
>                 //Height always remains the same.
>                 positions[i].height = rowHeight;
>                 //First Row
>                 if (i<numFirstRowChildren)
>                 {
>                     positions[i].y = paddingTop;
>                     positions[i].width = firstRowWidth;
>                 } else {
>                     //final item of previous row;
>                     var previousRowFinalItem:int = i -
> ((i-numFirstRowChildren) % numCols) - 1;
>                     positions[i].y = positions[previousRowFinalItem].y +
> positions[previousRowFinalItem].height + itemSpacing;
>                     positions[i].width = otherRowWidth;
>                 }
>                 //First Column
>                 if (i == 0 || (i-numFirstRowChildren) % numCols == 0)
>                 {
>                     positions[i].x = paddingLeft;
>                 } else {
>                     //Subsequent columns.
>                     positions[i].x = positions[i-1].x + positions[i-1].width
> + itemSpacing;
>                 }
>             }
>         }
>         override protected function updateDisplayList(unscaledWidth:Number,
> unscaledHeight:Number):void
>         {
>             calculatePositions(unscaledWidth, unscaledHeight);
>             var children:Array = getChildren();
>             for (var i:int = 0; i < children.length; i++)
>             {
>                 var child:UIComponent = UIComponent(children[i]);
>                 child.move(positions[i].x, positions[i].y);
>                 children[i].width = positions[i].width;
>                 children[i].height = positions[i].height;
>             }
>             super.updateDisplayList(unscaledWidth, unscaledHeight);
>         }
>     }
> }
> class Position
> {
>     public var x:int;
>     public var y:int;
>     public var height:int;
>     public var width:int;
> }
> Regards,
> Wes

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