Oops, just realized that you're using a DataGrid.  Just replace List
with DataGrid and it will work the same.


--- In flexcoders@yahoogroups.com, "turbo_vb" <timh...@...> wrote:
> Hi Jason,
> Here's a handy little trick that can help you out in these type of
> situations. In the itemRenderer that contains the trash can button:
> import mx.controls.List;
> private var list : List;
> override public function set data(value:Object):void
> {
> super.data = value;
> list = owner as List;
> }
> override protected function updateDisplayList( w:Number, h:Number
> {
> super.updateDisplayList( w, h );
> myTrashCanButton.visible = list.isItemHighlighted(data);
> }
> -TH
> --- In flexcoders@yahoogroups.com, "jdizowat" jasonharrold@ wrote:
> >
> > I am really struggling with this idea I got from an air app. I
> recently downloaded the air app Pixus -
> >
> > If you open the preferences window and hover over a datagrid row, a
> trashcan becomes visible so you can delete the row you are hovering
> over. It then hides when you rollout of the row. This is on rollover
> any column in the row. I have a itemRenderer to show my delete button
> and I can show/hide it on rollover of it's own column. What I cannot
> figure out is how to show/hide the button in the itemRenderer column
> when I rollover another column in the same row. I can't seem to figure
> out how to get the row object, only the row index. Has anyone done
> in flex?
> >
> > Thanks
> >

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