The sorting is stored on the ListCollectionView dataProvider of each list
control. If you set the list controls to share the same ListCollectionView,
the sorting will be common. If you set the dataprovider to each control to
be a non-ListCollectionView object (an array for example, instead of an
ArrayCollection), the sorting will be unique between the two as different
ArrayCollection objects will be created to wrap the same source array, but
data will not be duplicated. There are some caveats: The ListCollectionView
also handles update events, so if you change the data in one list control,
it won't be shown in the other until you call other.dataProvider.refresh(),
and this can be a heavy operation as it has to reindex, sort and seek.
Here's an example:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<mx:Application xmlns:mx="";
layout="horizontal" xmlns:local="*">

            public var regionData:Array = [
                {region: "Asia", country: "China", rep: "Bill"},
                {region: "Asia", country: "S. Korea", rep: "Bill"},
                {region: "Asia", country: "N. Korea", rep: "Sue"},
                {region: "Asia", country: "Thailand", rep: "Phil"},
                {region: "Euorpe", country: "United Kingdom", rep: "Bill"},
                {region: "Euorpe", country: "France", rep: "Sue"},
                {region: "Euorpe", country: "Italy", rep: "Phil"},
                {region: "Euorpe", country: "Germany", rep: "Bill"},
                {region: "Africa", country: "Zimbabwe", rep: "Phil"},
                {region: "Africa", country: "S. Africa", rep: "Sue"},
                {region: "Africa", country: "Kenya", rep: "Bill"},
                {region: "Africa", country: "Egypt", rep: "Phil"},
                {region: "N. America", country: "U.S.A.", rep: "Bill"}

            private function addMore():void
                   {region: "N. America", country: "U.S.A.", rep: "Beau"}

    <mx:DataGrid id="left" dataProvider="{regionData}" height="100%"
            <mx:DataGridColumn dataField="region" />
            <mx:DataGridColumn dataField="country" />
            <mx:DataGridColumn dataField="rep" />

    <mx:DataGrid id="right" dataProvider="{regionData}" height="100%"
            <mx:DataGridColumn dataField="region" />
            <mx:DataGridColumn dataField="country" />
            <mx:DataGridColumn dataField="rep" />

        <mx:Button click="addMore()" label="Add to right grid" />
        <mx:Button click="left.dataProvider.refresh();" label="refresh left"


Note that you can sort the datagrids independent of eachother. If you click
"add to right grid", a new line item will be added to the right grid only.
It has been added to the regionData Array, as well, but becase Array is not
an event dispatcher, the left grid is not automatically refreshed. If you
click the refresh button, the dataProvider for left is refreshed and the new
lines show up.

Hope this helps,


On Mon, Aug 31, 2009 at 8:54 AM, ilikeflex <> wrote:

> Hi
> I have array collection as a data provider. I have two different views.
> User can do sorting in different views.
> But i want that the one view is not affected by another.I know i can keep
> two different copies of dataprovider for different views.
> Is there any other way. Actually my dataprovider has more than 25,000
> records.
> Need your suggestions.
> Thanks
> ilikeflex

Beau D. Scott
Software Engineer

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