Oh - sorry, should have said - you'll need to get at the .textField
property of (for example) your mx.controls.Text object, which will
give you back the raw flash.text.TextField for you to then call
getCharBoundaries() on it.

Unfortunately, .textField is a protected property of mx.controls.Text,
so can't be seen from outside the class.

The simplest way to get at it is to extend mx.controls.Text - build
your own component that inherits from Text. That will give you access
to the .textField property you need; then you can call methods on it
as appropriate.


On Mon, Aug 31, 2009 at 9:19 PM, Ian Thomas<i...@eirias.net> wrote:
> Take a look at flash.text.TextField.getCharBoundaries() (and other
> TextField methods).
> HTH,
>   Ian
> On Mon, Aug 31, 2009 at 8:53 PM, Baz<li...@thinkloop.com> wrote:
>> Anyone know how to get the X/Y coordinates of a specific character/letter in
>> a text field or text input?
>> Thanks!

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