Hey guys...I saw in the archive there was a long thread about decimals and the NumberFormatter but none of them really addressed what I'm encountering so I figured I'd throw this out there to see if anyone else has seen this behavior and if they're simply converting the number to a string as a workaround or if there is something valid I can do to handle this situation:


I'm getting XML from the database that contains a whole slew of calculations.  We're parsing the XML and populating a datagrid with this data and on the cells showing the numbers I have a custom cell renderer that simply uses a NumberFormatter to ensure negative numbers are represented with parentheses and all numbers are rounded to a precision of 3 decimal places as well as some additional logic to ensure negative numbers are colored red.  Well, when we get small numbers and ActionScript internally represents them in exponential format, for example, 9.6345e-4...oddly, the number being displayed in the datagrid is (4.000)  Another number being returned is 3.3123e-12 and what's being shown in the datagrid is (12.000).


Why the heck is the number formatter ignoring the actual number and simply applying the formatter to the exponent value?!  I would expect for both of these numbers, the resulting value would simply be .000, no?


Any help is greatly appreciated.




robert l. brueckmann

senior web developer

merlin securities

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