Hi FlexCoders,

I have a label control where the text value that should be displayed is coming 
from a defined function.
   For example:
   <mx:Label id="LabelDay1" text="" horizontalCenter="true" />
   private function setDayName(monthNo:Number, dayNo:Number, 
 // Make some calculations on the day based on the date parameter passed.
 //Assuming the day value is returned after parsing the date value parameters.
 return 'Monday'
   Is it possible to assign that the LabelDay1 object would display in the text 
the value returned by the function setDayName.  Please take note that I have a 
lot of instances of the label control which is inside a datagrid column 
control's header renderer so placing them in a function outside would be 
   Would this be possible:
   <mx:Label id="LabelDay1" text="{setDayName(1,1,2009)}" 
horizontalCenter="true" />
   Appreciate your response. Thanks.




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