Is the problem with Flex or with the web service itself? You can check data 
latency with something like Charles (
In my experience, web services are not that fast. 

--- In, Krunal Panchal <panchal_...@...> wrote:
> Hi All,
> I have create the web based flex application on which i am using the dot net 
> web service. When i call the web service method it is taking time to retrive 
> the data.
> Web Service Configuration:
> I have configure web service by importing option from Data menu. Which we 
> will automatically generate all the action script files. So i have calling 
> the web service by calling its object. For example:
> privatevarserviceMenu : myWebService;privatefunctionregisteredAppInit() : 
> void{    // registered the event    serviceMenu = 
> serviceMenu.addapplicationInitEventListenernewmyWebService(null,strWebServiceURI);
>     (        function(event : ApplicationInitResultEvent) : void        {     
>           var
>             arrLocation = event.result;arrLocation : ArrayCollection = 
> newArrayCollection();        }
>     serviceMenu.applicationInit(
> Thank in Advance
>  "para");
>  }
> Regards,
> ________________________________
> Krunal Panchal     )

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