Thanks Valdhor.

I think my level of knowledge with regards to the power of Flex is not yet even 
in elementary, so pardon my lack of knowledge.

On a positive note, I feel am getting there.

And with a great group like this where you are able to get proper answers from 
the masters themselves, you sure know you're taking the right direction.



From: valdhor <>
Sent: Monday, 21 September, 2009 21:05:18
Subject: [flexcoders] Re: Using Just Some Components of Flexlib

"Elementary, my dear Watson".

Create a directory named "flexlib" inside your src directory. Inside that 
directory create a new directory named "controls". Place the 
PromptingTextInput. as file inside this directory.

To use the control, first add the namespace to the component you wish to use it 
with (Or the Application) ...

xmlns:flexlibcontro ls="flexlib. controls. *"

Secondly, instantiate the control in MXML...

<flexlibcontrols: PromptingTextInp ut prompt="Prompt Goes Here"/>

So, a full application example could look like:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf- 8"?>
<mx:Application xmlns:mx="http: //www.adobe. com/2006/ mxml" layout="absolute" 
    xmlns:flexlibcontro ls="flexlib. controls. *">
    <flexlibcontrols: PromptingTextInp ut prompt="Prompt Goes Here"/>



--- In flexcod...@yahoogro, Angelo Anolin <angelo_anolin@ ...> wrote:
> Hi FlexCoders,
> I have been browsing out the Flexlib in Google Code and I am thinking of 
> using just some of the controls, particularly the Propt TextInput control.
> I have downloaded the ZIP file and have extracted the same.
> As I am using more of the command line compiler in Vista, how do I use only 
> the PromptingTextInput control?  I have already extracted the file 
> PromptingTextInput. as.
> How would I reference it in my MXML and just use the control?
> Thanks.
> Rgds,
> Angelo



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