bgamblin wrote:
> Ah Ha! Found it. The problem was in my flex code, in the callback. I defined 
> it as taking one parameter, an event. Just to make sure that wasn't the 
> problem, I put in a default value of "null" for the parameter, but that's not 
> the same as having no parameter at all. So, when JavaScript called it with no 
> parameters, Flex didn't recognize the same signature, and stopped (if I could 
> run this through the debugger, I probably would have found that).
> So, note to self. Setting a default parameter as null is not the same, 
> signature-wise, as sending no parameters.
> Thanks to Paul Anderson for his help.
> -Brand
Excellent. I checked through my own example and couldn't see the 
problem. Glad you found it.

> --- In, "bgamblin" <bra...@...> wrote:
>> There are many things that the user has to do to get to the menu where this 
>> call is made. So, the Flash would have to be ready, or else it wouldn't have 
>> been responding to state changes, button presses, and all the other things 
>> necessary to get to that point.
>> I do know, for instance, that this occurs after the creationComplete event 
>> is called, and after several interactions with the backend.
>> I think that, if I could find out what was going on in the JavaScript (by 
>> getting an error code or determining whether that function was available on 
>> that object, or something), it would give me a better idea of what I was 
>> looking at.
>> --- In, Paul Andrews <paul@> wrote:
>>> bgamblin wrote:
>>>> I appreciate the quick response. Unfortunately, the call comes long after 
>>>> the SWF is loaded. 
>>>> This is part of my attempt to upload a file using a self signed-SSL 
>>>> connection (notoriously difficult in Flex). So this call comes after the 
>>>> backend has already loaded the file,
>>> How do you know? Unless you let Flex tell you when it's ready to go, 
>>> Javascript won't know when enough of the SWF has been loaded.
>>> Paul
>>>>  and it's just returning a response through the JavaScript.
>>>> Do you know if there's any way to log this? In case it's calling the 
>>>> function but getting an error back?
>>>> --- In, Paul Andrews <paul@> wrote:
>>>>> I suspect you're calling the function before the SWF is properly loaded. 
>>>>> Get the Flex app to call a javascript function to say when it's ready to 
>>>>> run, only then call any functions in the SWF.
>>>>> Paul
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