Hi Amy,

On Wed, Oct 21, 2009 at 3:29 PM, droponrcll <amyblankens...@bellsouth.net>wrote:

> In your example data, you _did_ have "Pending" in the second grouping. If
>> your ADG is editable, the possibility is that your retained value is somehow
>> triggering an edit on the wrong item.

That's correct. I did, in my original post. However, I continued to test.
And one of the things I did was to change to the underlying contents of the
data collection (the actual database values) so that no status of "Pending"
would appear.

I confirmed through Charles that no "Pending" status appeared in the
incoming data. I confirmed prior to opening a grouping that no item with the
string "Pending" existed anywhere within the component, in an object or

I opened a grouping, saw "Pending" and confirmed that the Status value had
changed in both the grouping collection and the underlying array collection.

And the datagrid is not editable.

So the value is being pushed in from outside somehow. And the trigger is the
opening of a grouping.

Did you try changing to getItemAt? If so, what was the result?

Yes, I did, thanks, before trying anything else. There was no change. And
now, after seeing that the data source is what changed, that doesn't
surprise me.

I just need to find where the data is being pushed from and how. It truly
makes no sense, because the array collection contents are simply pulled from
a remote object and injected into the view component. As far as I can tell,
nothing else ever interacts with the array collection from outside the view.
And nothing _inside_ the view contains that particular string.



Tom McNeer
1735 Johnson Road NE
Atlanta, GA 30306

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