I have run into a problem with Flash player's handling of microphones --if I 
launch the program with a mic attached, then call Microphone.getMicrophone(), 
everything works fine; however, if I start out with no mic attached, then 
attach one while my program is still running, subsequent calls to 
getMicrophone() return null as if no mic were present. The only way I've found 
to gain access to the mic in this scenario is to restart the program. Not very 

For debugging I added a button that pops up the Flash microphone settings 
panel... before plugging in the mic, the panel shows an empty device list as 
expected; after plugging in the mic, the panel reflects the change, with the 
mic name properly displayed in the device list. So evidently Flash understands 
that a new mic has been attached, yet for some reason that information is not 
getting through to getMicrophone(). 

Has anyone else run into this? Should this be reported as a bug? Am I being too 

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