I am having a small issue with the htmltext attribute on a Text component. 

If I use the following text statically I get the the result that I am looking 
for. A red Text component that has the text Some Text in bold.

<font color="#ff0000"><b>Some Text</b></font>

Now when I pull this same data in from my cfc, I get the following display on 
my Text component. Instead of rendering the html correctly the html attribute 
is simply outputting the formatted html as text.

<font color="#ff0000"><b>Some Text</b></font>

Here is my Text Control:
<mx:Text y="36" x="10" htmlText="Title: {mReviewVO.MediaTitle}" fontSize="12"/>

mReviewVO is a bindable value object.

Here is the dump I get for mReviewVO.MediaTitle:
  MediaTitle = "&lt;font color="#ff0000"&gt;&lt;b&gt;Some 

The reason I don't just make the entire component red is because I am checking 
for black listed words. And only the black listed words have alternate text 
color and weight.

Has anyone ever run into an issue like this before? This is becoming a pain.

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