Thanks very much.

--- In, "Flex Boy" <ca...@...> wrote:
> --- In, "chinaloveshisiling"
> <chinaloveshisiling@> wrote:
> >
> > --------------
> > |number(Header)|
> > -------------- //I want to remove this line
> > | 1 |
> > ---------------
> > | 2 |
> > ---------------
> >
> > How to delete the top border of the the first row content.
> >
> The SkinClass
> package
> {
> import flash.display.GradientType;
> import mx.core.EdgeMetrics;
> import mx.core.UIComponent;
> import mx.skins.Border;
> import mx.skins.halo.HaloColors;
> import mx.styles.StyleManager;
> import mx.utils.ColorUtil;
> /**
> * The skin for the background of a datagrid::headerBackgroundSkin.
> */
> public class HeadSkin extends Border
> {
> // include "../../core/";
> //————————————————————————–
> //
> // Class variables
> //
> //————————————————————————–
> /**
> * @private
> */
> private static var cache:Object = {};
> //————————————————————————–
> //
> // Class methods
> //
> //————————————————————————–
> /**
> * @private
> * Several colors used for drawing are calculated from the base colors
> * of the component (themeColor, borderColor and fillColors).
> * Since these calculations can be a bit expensive,
> * we calculate once per color set and cache the results.
> */
> private static function
> calcDerivedStyles(themeColor:uint,fillColor0:uint,fillColor1:uint):Objec\
> t
> {
> var key:String = HaloColors.getCacheKey(themeColor,fillColor0,
> fillColor1);
> if (!cache[key])
> {
> var o:Object = cache[key] = {};
> // Cross-component styles.
> HaloColors.addHaloColors(o, themeColor, fillColor0, fillColor1);
> }
> return cache[key];
> }
> //————————————————————————–
> //
> // Constructor
> //
> //————————————————————————–
> /**
> * Constructor.
> */
> public function HeadSkin()
> {
> super();
> }
> //————————————————————————–
> //
> // Overridden properties
> //
> //————————————————————————–
> //———————————-
> // borderMetrics
> //———————————-
> /**
> * @private
> * Storage for the borderMetrics property.
> */
> private var _borderMetrics:EdgeMetrics = new EdgeMetrics(0, 0, 0, 0);
> /**
> * @private
> */
> override public function get borderMetrics():EdgeMetrics
> {
> return _borderMetrics;
> }
> //———————————-
> // measuredWidth
> //———————————-
> /**
> * @private
> */
> override public function get measuredWidth():Number
> {
> }
> //———————————-
> // measuredHeight
> //———————————-
> /**
> * @private
> */
> override public function get measuredHeight():Number
> {
> }
> //————————————————————————–
> //
> // Overridden methods
> //
> //————————————————————————–
> /**
> * @private
> */
> override protected function updateDisplayList(w:Number, h:Number):void
> {
> super.updateDisplayList(w, h);
> // User-defined styles.
> var bevel:Boolean = getStyle("bevel");
> var borderColor:uint = getStyle("borderColor");
> var cornerRadius:Number = getStyle("cornerRadius");
> var fillAlphas:Array = getStyle("fillAlphas");
> var fillColors:Array = getStyle("fillColors");
> StyleManager.getColorNames(fillColors);
> var themeColor:uint = getStyle("themeColor");
> // Derivative styles.
> var derStyles:Object = calcDerivedStyles(themeColor,
> fillColors[0],fillColors[1]);
> var borderColorDrk1:Number = ColorUtil.adjustBrightness2(borderColor,
> -25);
> var cr:Number = Math.max(0, cornerRadius);
> var cr1:Number = Math.max(0, cornerRadius -1);
> var upFillColors:Array = [ fillColors[0], fillColors[1] ];
> var upFillAlphas:Array = [ fillAlphas[0], fillAlphas[1] ];
> graphics.clear();
> // button border/edge
> //drawRoundRect(0,0,w,h,cr,[borderColor,borderColorDrk1],1,verticalGradi\
> entMatrix(0,0,w,h),GradientType.LINEAR,
> null,{x:1,y:1,w:w-2,h:h-2,r:cr1});
> // button fill
> drawRoundRect(1,1,w-2,h-2,cr1,upFillColors,
> upFillAlphas,verticalGradientMatrix(1,1,w-2,h-2));
> }
> }
> }
> How to use it
> <mx:DataGrid headerBackgroundSkin="HeadSkin"

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