I have been tasked with a proof of concept for a Flex application, and I've 
been asked to render html within a panel and have the panel resize during 
runtime depending upon the height of the html content.

I've check out the code for Christophe's exmaple - which is a good start:

However, I need to have the panel resize on the fly; therefore, making the 
browser implement scrollbars, and not the panel.

I checked out flex-iframe which looks very promising, but I have not been able 
to get the examples to render.

Any help?  Insights?  Has anyone dealt with this?  (I know iframes blow, but 
it's a requirement)  

It seems like I can embed a Javascript function in the html file that announces 
the dimensions to ActionScript and then an AS function resizes the panel - 
which one of the flex-iframe examples proves. but, so far, I haven't been able 
to do this.

Thanks for any assistance!


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