I've got a login form with two fields and two buttons:


[Look me up]  [Email me my password]

When the app loads, the buttons are both disabled. The "email me my
password" button should enable as soon as a valid looking email is
entered into the lookupEmail field. The "look me up" button should
highlight when there's a valid looking email and a password string of
at least 6 characters.

I've set up validators in MXML and have also got a script that runs on
change for the two inputs.

What I'm trying to achieve is that
-- The buttons enable during data entry. For example, the password
button enables as soon as there are 6 characters typed - even before
the iuser has left the input.
-- The full validation (with the red error tip business) only happens
when the field is 'closed'

What happens is that I can pretty well get one behavior or the other
but not both.

I've looked around and found a lot of discussions and examples related
to validators, but nothing that works quite this way. It seems like a
pretty standard thing to do so I'm hoping I'm missing something

If anyone can point me towards what I should be looking at, I'd be grateful.

Note: I've bot my objects on a Canvas, not a Form. Form looks nice
but, as far as I can figure, you get one field per line organized
vertically. I'm putting various objects side-by-side in this case and
others. So, I've been using Canvas.

Again, thanks for any help - it is sincerely appreciated.

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