Have you looked into remoting with Zend AMF?

When using Zend AMF you can use Zend's authentication features.  Examples here: 

Authentication/access control stuff is at the bottom.

--- In flexcoders@yahoogroups.com, "Scott" <h...@...> wrote:
> I've worked a lot with coldfusion and flex using cflogin/roles.  I have
> a project that I'm working on now that the backend will be done in PHP.
> Since this is a "pet" project I'm using flash builder 4 to learn before
> the release (And I'm really liking it!)
> I've found documentation with connecting flex to php through an
> httpservice call.  I modified this using a php class/function call
> instead of calling a httpservice.  However, this doesn't protect the php
> functions on the server.  Is there a method like the coldfusion
> cflogin/roles in php?  I'm assuming that session information is not
> available in PHP (as it isn't in coldfusion as well).
>  Thanks
>    Scott

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