Pretty much the same. If I were to do this, I would
1. Create a component class called Question
2. Create a component class called Quiz
3. Create appropriate events

Question can
- Have Answers of type multiple choice with more than 1 right answer (checkbox 
- Have Answers of type multiple choice with one right answer
- Possibly free text answer with no right or wrong
- Support "points" for answer

Quiz can
- Holds multiple questions
- Automatically scores as a question is scored
- Tracks how many answered, not answered, skipped etc
- Lets you jump quickly to skipped questions
- Supports pagination and navigation guides (next/previous) related to that

- Next page in quiz
- Previous page in Quiz
- Question answered right
- Question answered wrong
- Question skipped
- Quiz complete

I am sure you get more than the drift here...
Thx Web Admin

--- In, "ulrich" <u...@...> wrote:
> Hi - 
> I have a question how to approach a problem the flex way:
> I have a quiz, I present a question with 4 answers in a panel.
> In flash I would:
> - create a custom component (logic and visual): new Component().
> - pass a VO to init display and logic of component
> - add component to display list.
> - component knows when a selection was made: dispatches event
> - data model keeps track of results on main
> - custom component gets destroyed.
> - new q gets presented: step 1.
> I know I could do it exactly like this in flex, but what would be Best 
> Practices to do this in Flex?
> Thank you for your help!
> U.

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