We keep out URL's in an external XML file which is deployed on different 
environments. When app loads make a call to the Servlet and gets the URL's. The 
Servlet returns the configuration according to the environment that it is 
deployed on.

From: Nick Middleweek <n...@middleweek.co.uk>
To: flexcoders@yahoogroups.com
Sent: Thu, February 25, 2010 2:32:28 PM
Subject: Re: [flexcoders] Strategies for switching between testing and  
deployment addresses

Hey David,

If you have a local DNS you could setup a subdomain for the production IP and 
edit your windows hosts file to override it to point locally...

Tracy mentioned FlashVars, that's a real easy way.

You've help me enough in the world of 4D so I'll ping something over if you 
need it...


On 22 February 2010 02:00, David Adams <dpad...@gmail. com> wrote:

>  >
>I've been writing some small programs that use HTTPService calls to
>>fetch data from a back-end. During testing, I'm using or an
>>IP address on my subnet. When I deploy, I update the IP address in
>>service definitions to the right external address and build the app.
>>Or at least I mean to. It's all too easy to accidentally change the
>>addresses for internal testing and then forget to switch them back
>>before building.
>>Is there a best practice or simple strategy for putting the IP address
>>somewhere outside of the source code that it can easily be edited
>>without a rebuild?
>>Thanks for any advice.


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