If you see my recent posts, I just had this exact same problem, check out the 
post I just made, if you need more details let me know, i can post the code I 

Since flash is singlethreaded, you can NOT have a progress bar update in a 
loop. If you want to update a progress bar while you do work, you need to do a 
little bit of the work, wait a bit, do a little more, wait a bit, etc. 
Unfortunately, with the flex progress bar component you seem to have wait quite 
a while for it to update, so I ended up going with a custom one.

-----Original Message-----
From: flexcoders@yahoogroups.com on behalf of MonkeyIsland
Sent: Thu 3/4/2010 7:59 AM
To: flexcoders@yahoogroups.com
Subject: [flexcoders] My APP momentarily freezes I pass through my A.C. and 
create my objects.
Hello everyone, 

I'm having an issue updating my progress bar, it only displays 100% once 

I've tried timers, callLaters, and anything else I could have thought of but 
then realized that my progress bar never updates because my app momentarily 
freezes as I pass through my ArrayCollection and create my objects... 

Is there a way to prevent my app from freezing?

Thanks :)


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